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International pharmaceutical companies hold most patents and registered trademarks in Iceland

International pharmaceutical companies hold most patents and registered trademarks in Iceland

02. November 2022

International pharmaceutical companies occupy the top fifteen places on a list of companies that hold most Icelandic patents. Nine out of fifteen companies owning the most registered trademarks are also international pharmaceutical companies. The companies with most design registrations are more diverse, but international car- and watch manufacturers stand out among them. This information and much more is part of statistics recently published on an interactive site on the ISIPO's web.

In total, almost 9,500 patents, more than 60,000 trademarks and 1,400 designs are registered in Iceland. 

At the site, it is possible to access information about applicants and owners of intellectual property rights in Iceland, by country. Looking only at Icelandic entities, there are 89 patents in force in Iceland, almost 7,000 registered trademarks and 129 design registrations. Marel has the most patents, eleven in total, and Össur and Hampiðjan have the second most, 10 each. Actavis has the most registered trademarks or 479, Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson has 122 and Mjólkursamsalan 93. Most design registrations are owned by individuals.

When looking at where the companies with the most intellectual property rights in Iceland come from, American companies take the top spot both in terms of patents and trademarks. German companies are closely behind them in both. Most companies with registered designs are Swiss, followed by Icelandic companies and American companies in third place.