The Icelandic Intellectual Property Office (ISIPO) is a government agency under the auspices of the Minister of culture, innovation and higher education. The ISIPO is responsible for issues relating to patents, trademarks, design protection, municipal emblems and other comparable rights as provided for by law, regulations and international agreements on the protection of intellectual property rights in the field of industry.
The Office began operations on 1 July 1991 under the name of the Icelandic Patent Office and took over the role of the Patent and Trademark Department of the Ministry of Industry. On 1 July 2019, the name of the organization was changed and is now called The Icelandic Intellectual Property Office.
The ISIPO office is divided into two main divisions, the Finance and operations division and the IP rights division.

The ISIPO is under obligation to provide private persons, institutions and commercial undertakings with information and consultancy services on matters pertaining to intellectual property rights in the industry. Moreover, the Office is under obligation to ensure that information on new technology and knowledge protected by intellectual property laws is made available to the public.
The ISIPO‘s Gazette (Hugverkatíðindi), publishes advertisements and announcements relating to applications and registrations in the field of patents, trademarks, municipal emblems and design. The Gazette is published in electronic format and appears on the 15th of each month on the Office's website
Since 2006, ISAC (Icelandic Board for Technical Accreditation) has been operating within the ISIPO. ISAC is an independent division, both professionally and financially, within the ISIPO.