ISK | |
Basic fee: | 76.000 |
Additional fee for each patent claim in excess of ten: | 4.900 |
Fee under Articles 36 and 37 of the Patent Act: | 64.900 |
Additional fee for an extended deadline to submit the required translation for international application: | 20.500 |
Handling and processing fee for a novelty search at an international search authority: | 8.900 |
Publication of a European patent
ISK | |
Publication of European patent fee (section 77 of the Patents Act): | 43.000 |
Patent grant
ISK | |
Basic fee for printing of the first 40 pages (description, patent claims, drawings and abstract): | 40.000 |
Additional fee for each sheet in excess of 40: | 1.500 |
Additional fee for each patent claim which has been added after the filing date of the application: | 4.900 |
Fee for reissue of patent: | 40.000 |
Fee for adjustment to the claims of a patent and reissue: | 40.000 |
Annual fees for patent applications and patents
Annual fees are increased by 20% after due date
ISK | ISK | ||
1st year: | 13.000 | 11th year: | 56.000 |
2nd year: | 13.000 | 12th year: | 61.000 |
3rd year: | 13.000 | 13th year: | 67.000 |
4th year: | 24.000 | 14th year: | 72.000 |
5th year: | 27.000 | 15th year: | 79.000 |
6th year: | 30.000 | 16th year: | 85.000 |
7th year: | 35.000 | 17th year: | 92.000 |
8th eyar: | 39.000 | 18th year: | 98.000 |
9th year: | 45.000 | 19th year: | 105.000 |
10th year: | 50.000 | 20th year: | 111.000 |
Supplementary Protection Certificates
The annual fee is increased by 20% after due date
ISK | |
Application fee: | 76.000 |
Fee for extension of supplementary protection certificates: | 56.200 |
Annual fee for each additional supplementary protection certificate: | 111.000 |
Fee for notification of a waiver from supplementary protection | 8.200 |
Limitation of protection and opposition
ISK | |
Limitation fee: | 40.000 |
Fee for opposition against a patent: | 50.000 |
Resumption and re-establishment of rights
ISK | |
Resumption fee: | 13.000 |
Fee for re-establishment of rights: | 50.000 |
ISK | |
Fee for appeal (payable to the Ministry): | 120.000 |
The Icelandic Intellectual Property Office is self financed through application and service fees. The current fee regulation no. 1279/2024 was implemented 15 February 2025.
Please note that fees are non-refundable.
Warning: Request for payments of fees
It has come to the attention of the office that applicants and attorneys are receiving requests to pay fees that do not come from the office and are unrelated to the processing of applications. Whatever registration services might be offered in such invitations, they have no connection to ISIPO and should not be paid.
Bank name
Landsbankinn hf.
Bank address
Reykjastræti 6, 101 Reykjavík
Account’s holder:
Account’s holder address:
Katrínartún 4, 105 Reykjavík
IS71 0111 2601 2189 6501 9121 89
SWIFT code:
Account number:
Please add a bank transfer fee of ISK 700 to the total amount. Please also send a copy of the receipt to including the IP identification number.