Why register abroad?
Each year, Icelandic businesses apply for hundreds of intellectual property rights in other countries. Intellectual property rights registered in Iceland are only protected in Iceland. If you are going to sell your products or services in other markets, it may be wise to register your intellectual property abroad. There are various options available, both direct applications in individual countries but also applications that can reach many countries.
Want to know more?
International Trademark Application
You can file your trademark applications internationally at WIPO and seek protection in more than 120 countries with one application. The application must be based on a national application or a pre-existing national registration.

International Patent Application
Through the international patent system at WIPO you can apply in more than 150 countries.

International Design Application
The internationl design system at WIPO allows you to file in more than 90 countries with one application.

European Trademark Application
At EUIPO you can apply for a European trademark effective in all EU countries.

European Patent Application
Applications filed with EPO can get you a granted patent in more than 40 countries, mostly in Europe.

European Design Application
A European design application applies to all EU countries.
Icelandic Applications in other markets 2020
trademark applications
in 81 country
trademark applications
in the US
patent applications
in 67 countries
design applications
in 3 countries